Saturday, December 13, 2008

Color Esperanza

This is where it all begins, when I hear this song my skin shakes and my mind belongs to the sky.

Y entre mis sueños dormido
Trato yo de hablar contigo y sentirte cerca de mí
Quiero tenerte en mis brazos
Poder salir y abrazarte y nunca más dejarte ir.

Porque tu amor es mi espina
por las cuatro esquinas hablan de los dos
que es un escándalo dicen
y hasta me maldicen por darte mi amor

no hagas caso de la gente sigue la corriente y quiereme mas
que si esto es escandoloso es mas vergonzoso no saber amar que si esto es escandoloso es mas vergonzoso no saber amar

Cada vez que sale el sol busco en algo
El valor para continuar así
Y te veo así no te toque rezo por ti cada noche
Amanece y pienso en ti
Y retumba en mis oidos el tic tac
De los relojes y sigo pensando en ti
Y sigo pénsando.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Josephina y Annabelle

Birthday celebrations last month for Miss A - every bit miss thang! You are growing so quickly and your little sister is an angel.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Eres el arroyito que baña mi cabaña,
Eres el negativo de la foto de mi alma,
Eres agua bendita que crece en mi cultivo,
Eres ese rayito que me calienta el nido

Yo sólo quiero ser el dueño de tu amor,
Yo sólo quiero ser el dueño de tu vida,
Para encontrarte y devolverte el corazón
Y me acompañes por el resto de mi vida

Luz y El Blanco

Blanco…como nuestra luna..el blanco transparente y honesto como mis sentimientos por ti..

Blanco:inocencia y pureza, como cuando te decides a amarme y lo haces solo con tu mirada…

El blanco que refleja tu principal cualidad: la bondad,
el blanco de tu alma,
de tu interior,
de la paz que consigo a tu la perfección de tus creciones artisticas
y el blanco del optimismo que produce el tenerte en mi mente dia y noche.

Strip of me.......

yeah i know who you remind me of
a girl i think i used to know
yeah i'd see her when the days got colder
on those days when it felt like snow

you know i even think that she stared like you
she used to just stand there and stare
and roll her eyes right up to heaven
and make like i just wasn't there

and she used to fall down a lot
that girl was always falling
again and again
and i used to sometimes try to catch her
but never even caught her name

and sometimes we would spend the night
just rolling about on the floor
and i remember even though it felt soft at the time
i always used to wake up sore...

you know i even think that she smiled like you
she used to just stand there and smile
and her eyes would go all sort of far away
and stay like that for quite a while

and i remember she used to fall down a lot
that girl was always falling
again and again
and i used to sometimes try to catch her
but never even caught her name

yes i sometimes even tried to catch her
but never even caught her name

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thursday, November 6, 2008

La Playa here I come......

Ella...ella es como el aire
necesario pa’ respirar
pero se te escapa
cuando to lo abrazas, ella

Ella..ella es como el agua
Como el agua para beber
Y es también la causa
De esta sed extraña, ella

Ella…ella es como el viento
Ella es del mismo material
Del que son mis sueños

Pero yo, yo no me despierto

Ahhh yes its my time again, free ....Three picks for listening this weekend...

Maria Teresa Vera Eso No Es Na', Adriana Varla Afiche and Julieta Venegas Eres Para Mi

Mala mala mala!

Cruel en el cartel,

la propaganda manda cruel en el cartel.

Y en el fetiche de un afiche de papel

se vende la ilusion, se rifa el corazón.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Rum, blow, papaya and blood....

I'm really enjoying this book at the moment - My Colombian Death. Maybe "enjoy" is not really the right word. I feel very unsettled each time I read it but keep going back to it. It has made me think how grateful I am for my home,my freedom, my country - its peace - things which most of us take for granted.

Kidnappings, car bombs, cocaine, paramilitaries, bullfights, the Amazon and madness. Welcome to Colombia, where life is cheap and so are the drugs.

In 2006, Matt Thompson travelled to Colombia in search of the life he might have led. Born to American parents, Matt's father was offered a post which would have taken the family to Bogota, but he turned it down because it was too high risk. Instead they came to Australia – low-risk, even paradisaic – and the land that nearly drove Matt to a slow death from boredom.

One day he quits his job, picks up his bag and decides to go experience life in the country that's not only the most dangerous in South America, but possibly the world. This is the story of what happened next.

The 35-year-old writer deliberately sought out dangerous scenarios as a strange form of personal quest. He'd worked unhappily as a journalist for the Sydney Morning Herald, describing himself as a "hair-pulling, stressed-out lunatic with a bad back". Bored by his daily routine, Thompson craved action so urgently that he left for Colombia just one month after the birth of his first child. "I felt like I could live my whole life without ever knowing whether I could trust my instincts," he explains.

"In Australia you get carried along by a decent economy, decent social services, law and order - it's such a stable country. I wanted to spend time somewhere where the consequences of a mistake were extremely serious. I wanted to see whether I could handle the intensity and to see whether I was up for it."

Other books to along the same line Marching Powder, In Memory of Pablo Escobar and watching Blow well of course Senor Depp and Pene Cruz - cmon! and more recently Maria Full of Grace.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pitter patter...

And I feel to be a cog in something turning.....

No hace falta un claro de luna

No hace falta un rayo de sol, es lo mismo otoño que invierno, para amarte no hay ocasion.

No hace falta nada, tengo en tu mirada el amor.

Para amarte no hace falta sitio, ni tiempo, ni prejuicios, ni explicaciones, ni reclamos, ni juramentos que detengan al corazon.

No hace falta ley, ni testigos, no hace falta nada especial, para amarte sobran motivos y no alcanzan dos vidas mas…

I'm getting a bit natural this week...

Andy Goldsworthy is an environmental sculptor in which his use of the natural surroundings create an art form.

He explores and experiments with various natural materiel such as leaves, grasses, stones, wood, sand, clay, ice, and snow. The seasons and weather determine the materials and the subject matter of his projects.

With no preconceived ideas about what he will create, Goldsworthy relies on what nature will give him. Goldsworthy "feels" the energy from nature and transcends that energy into an art form. His transient sculptures contradict the permanence of art in its historical pretense.

I was raving on about him a while ago and have recently been looking again at his work - its very beautiful. I also like Fiona Hall, an Australian artist

We've been all too busy shoring up our world to make it safe from the perils of Nature. Now here we reside, stranded on our island of (in)humanity, surrounded by waters we have muddied and sifting, like so many grains of sand, the myriad of our kindred species into extinction through our fingers.

And the other night I was on my way home listening to late night radio when I heard Woodstock by Joni Mitchell. We are star dust..we are golden...Ruth in SFU once sung this in the kitchen - I love that scene.

And they were turning into butterflies
Above our nation
We are stardust
Billion year old carbon
We are golden
Caught in the devils bargain
And weve got to get ourselves
Back to the garden

Look out I'm sending out a kiss to Morning of the Earth

But it's a start, you open up your heart
Give your love to others, they become your bro-o-other
You open up your heart, come on, make a start
Try not to hide, what you feel inside
Just open up your heart

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Paintbox of my Heart

This week we welcome Miss Josephina..fotos to come.

Nada mas cierto que tu, nada.
Ni siquiera el agua que bebo para calmar mi sed, ni el aire respiro, ni la noche, ni el dia.
Nada mas cierto que tu, nada.

Nada me llena mas que tu presencia, que las horas que paso junto a ti,
que tu entrega.
Ni los suenos en el alma, ni el ahora, ni el manana.
Nada me llena mas, nada.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

CALAMAR on a Sunday afternoon

Ok it seems I've been watching alot of telly lately and what a wonderful treat it is when you just happen upon something......Thalassa on SBS with that guapo Silvio Rivier who always presents Global Village. This one was about giant squid and it was great, especially the scenes underwater when the squid are feeding - beautiful!

The town of Santa Rosalia, in the Baja California desert, Mexico, has become a hub for giant squid fishing. The fishermen are badly paid, but the town is poor so there is little choice. During the squid migrating season scientists swim with them, film them and study their habits, as they are concerned about the drop in numbers.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Puchi is watching and feeling:Playing the Shadows

Caught this doco last night on ABC last night - amazing!

The suburb of Woolloomooloo nestled between Kings Cross and the city is home to one of Sydney's most notorious housing estates. The families of this area are generally broke and struggling. An after-dark basketball team is set up to get the kids of the 'Loo off the streets and to provide much-needed support. Eleven-year-old Jaidyn has been in and out of trouble at school and with the police. Celine is wonderfully fiesty despite a sick dad, no mum and many siblings. Jerry, six foot three with a big heart to match. No-one matches 15-year-old Ainsley in his determination to succeed both at school and basketball. Ianniello and Ettinger-Epstein's observational documentary shot over a year, is a thought-provoking and pleasurably up-beat look at unique suburb and its young community.

Monday, October 13, 2008

On Puchi's Radar...

So I have the highlighter out and marked this down for "one to watch" :

Wednesday 15th @ 8.30 SBS....pues watch ese

Friday, October 10, 2008

Toreros, Modotti y tu

Just a few things that have been buzzing through my mind this week..and something to think about over the weekend. I watched Frida again this week,Law of Desire, reading Tina Modotti's bio, listening to El Amor es mas Fuerte and dreaming of toreros!

porque eres mía
porque no eres mía
porque te miro y muero
y peor que muero
si no te miro amor
si no te miro

Hace dos dias vole....
descubri tu piel, senti tu calor....
tus besos, tu cuerpo
tu olor....
Hace dos dias sone....
estuve en tus ojos, temble de emocion...
tus manos, tu pelo
vivi mi pasion..
Hace dos dias naci...
fuimos hombre y mujer
guarde tu sabor..
tu risa y la mia
en un corazon.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad and memorias de juventud!

Yesterday was my Dad's birthday - he is a total legend! Celebrating 62 years on this planet,old old hippy,surfer, dreamer, environmentalist, photographer,gentle and authentic. I love you Papa Conejo!

I also found some old diaries and photos from high school...this is the sort of stuff I got up to in my spare time, wandering the woods as a fairy! And I found a poem from Charles Henry Ford,yearnings for the wrong boy and this card and on the back Your mask is pretty but its whats behind it is real. We're all animals too and we find it much easier to relate to your animal insides than to your human disguises.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Feeding Frida

Added my RSS feeds today:

Rebel Art

...connecting art and activism..

Guardian Books

Flickr Blog
The most interesting Flickr images from the last 7 days

Design Sponge
musings of a design junky

And very exciting embedding a video...! Thanks to Seńor Craig and for the character map:)

Friday, September 19, 2008

What Inspires me, poema and film

Me gustas cuando callas
by Pablo Neruda

Me gustas cuando callas porque estás como ausente,y me oyes desde lejos, y mi voz no te toca.Parece que los ojos se te hubieran voladoy parece que un beso te cerrara la boca.

Como todas las cosas están llenas de mi almaemerges de las cosas, llena del alma mía.Mariposa de sueño, te pareces a mi alma,y te pareces a la palabra melancolía.

Me gustas cuando callas y estás como distante.Y estás como quejándote, mariposa en arrullo.Y me oyes desde lejos, y mi voz no te alcanza:déjame que me calle con el silencio tuyo.

Déjame que te hable también con tu silencioclaro como una lámpara, simple como un anillo.Eres como la noche, callada y constelada.Tu silencio es de estrella, tan lejano y sencillo.

Me gustas cuando callas porque estás como ausente.Distante y dolorosa como si hubieras muerto.Una palabra entonces, una sonrisa bastan.Y estoy alegre, alegre de que no sea cierto.

As with most translations the poem just isnt the same in English...but it is something like this..which is still enough to break your heart..

I Like for You to be Still

I like for you to be still: it as though you were absent,and you hear me from far away and my voice does not touch you
It seems as though your eyes had flown away
and it seems that a kiss had sealed your mouth.

And let me talk to you with your silencethat is bright as a lamp, simple as a ring.

Your are like the night, with its stillness and constellations.

Your silence is that of a star, as remote and candid.

I'm back on the Almodovar trip again, this month its Habla Con Ella or Talk to Her.

And lastly today I'm listening to Flamenco Chill by Chambao.
Chambao is a flamenco electronica band originally from Spainthey created a sound called Flamenco Chill which fuses flamenco sounds and palos ( forms) with electronic music.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Los Ojos de Frida -

What do you see?

What do you see when you are walking street, on the bus, train or at work?

What surrounds you, what moves you - is it music, a sound in the air, a reflection in the river, a poem, the first or last line of a book, a movie a conversation...